How long is this program? 
Fearless University has a church leadership year long track. Enrollment opens in the fall.

How long do I have to wait to get a response once I have submitted my application?
Upon receiving your application, your application will be reviewed by Fearless staff. You can expect a response within 7-10 business days.

What are the hours like at college? Is there a day off?
Fearless University runs Tuesday through Thursday In addition, students are also required to serve at Sunday church services and scheduled Fearless events as a part of their practicum.

Can you come as a married couple?
Yes, we allow married students as long as their spouse is in full agreement of the decision.

Is there an age Limit?
Fearless University is currently open to students of all ages with high school diploma or GED equivalent.

Will I need a car?    
Having a car is not mandatory.

Should I bring a laptop or desktop computer?
Yes, a laptop or desktop computer will be crucial to your experience as a student.